Friday, August 13, 2010

Just too bored

Hi i am here, class started one week ago and so far so good.
This sem i am taking biz law, biz statistics 2, macroeconomics and international marketing.
Sad to say that i am just interested in stats cause it needs to count count count. I interested in micro but macro i doesnt feel i like it mayb because of the teaching style of the lecturer?? idk.. others just like memorise is enough to score?? when time pass then i will knw wat the sub content..i hate finding the GDP of msia. i couldnt find it..arghh help me..zzz...wan take a nap but not in sleeping mood..the engine is so active..argh!!! crazy.. well i like the song called Riverside( motherf**ker) sounds rude but just like the melody..don say i am bad.. have to end the blog now..zzz..


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Oh my god, friday is just the day after tomorrow..i scare i might fail..i have no confident.PRAY HARD..oh week will start class d. I wish i have my own car, feeling if got a car go where also easy no need people fetch. but it is impossible to let my dream come true. I wish to be independent. i am growing bigger an bigger but my parents stil treat i am just like a small kid. i hope they can be confident on me.i really hope tat.i want be independent doesnt mean i change bad..i would like to emphasize this.. bye lazy to crap..